In order to use Alien Worlds NFTs in our game, you need to buy these all NFTs in our game for points. You can get points by steaking the allowed NFTs in the Alien Worlds collection

1. Registration

2. Connect Wallet

Select your wallet

Confirm. If you are binding a wallet for the first time, you will need to confirm twice (login and creating a profile in the blockchain)

3. Stake your NFTs

After successfully connecting your wallet, you will see NFTs that you can tap to get collection points for them. Added the ability to stake only NFT Grey Peacemaker with template_id 19632 for the test.

Approve your transaction

That's great! You staked the NFT You now have points in your account that you can spend to buy NFT in the shop.

4. Shop

Just select the NFTs and click on them (you need all 6 NFTs in the collection to play)

Confirm your choice

Congratulations! You bought the NFTs

Don't worry, you can sell these NFTs and get all the points back (unstake time 24 hours)

5. Game NFTs

In this section you see your NFTs in the game

When you click on NFT you can also unstake, after which there will be a 24 hour countdown to the claim

6. Unstaking NFTs

Select NFTs and click Claim to get your points back

7. Use the key to activate the game (for testers)

Select the Games tab > Activate a Product on Steam...

Paste your received key here

Now you have Mercenary Battlegrounds in your game collection. Download the game

Once downloaded, you can enter the game by pressing the Play button

8. Login in the game

Enter the Email and password you entered when registering on the site

Start your search

After your opponent is found you will see the start.

Select your collection that you want to play (just click) . Time to select a collection - up to 20 sec

Now you can build your towers by clicking on the tower icons below and placing them on the grid on the playing field

Each wave is amplified

At the moment there are no player bases so the game goes on indefinitely. After the test you can exit to the lobby (top right button), or just close the game. Thank you!

Last updated